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Simplest Veggie BLAST

Unfortunately, for many Americans, the taste of vegetables is a (re)acquired one.

Years of sugared cereals, artificial sweeteners, and mountains of corn syrup have diluted our ability to taste and appreciate the subtle sweetness that comes from our earth’s colorful vegetables.

You know that after several weeks of sticking to your eating plan, your cravings morph, and those sugary, carby, items you once saw at treats, now only looks like a swift uppercut to the gut.

But that state is easily lost when you slide back down the sugar slide… and once you start to eat it, the more you start to crave it. It’s drug, people!

It can be tough to (re)introduce those vitamin packed, fiberlicious veggies back into our diet without slathering them in dips, cheese, and dressings. Even some of my salads can quickly turn into a thousand island drizzled cheese dish with a side of greens if I’m not careful. I love to have my Shakeology each day to easily get the nutrition I need, but what about the other meals?!

Thankfully I’ve discovered this new technique I’m going to call the Veggie BLAST.

The BLAST is a remixed salad PACKED with nutrition, color, flavor, and WHOLE foods. The difference is, the veggies are unrecognizable.

I found this little chopper online. Smaller, and less cleanup than a food processor, but I’m sure that would work too. I dump my veggies in, pull the handle, and chop away until the mix becomes less leafy and fibrous, and more rice, or salsa like.

I’ve been using zucchini, spinach, red onion, cherry tomatoes, and bell peppers but plan on trying out cauliflower and broccoli in the near future.

After I have all the veggies chopped up, I add in 1 or 2 Tbsp of my newfound FAVE dressings. I can actually feel GOOD about these!

Option to add a sprinkle of feta cheese to top it all off.

This is WAY MORE veggies than I would ever get into a salad, and with WAY LESS dressing and fat. This one is a win-win baby!

I encourage you to try it out and let me know your favorite Veggie BLAST combos!

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